Monday 26 October 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

Have you noticed that widget on the left?  It's NaNoWriMo time. That's National Novel Writing Month. Every November writers and potential writers all over the world agree to produce a novel in 30 days. I'm told it's a tough challenge, though I've completed it twice before. (Nobody said they were GOOD novels, but I did it!)

So we sign up to a website and pledge to write our socks off.  50,000 words between November 1 and November 30. It works out at 1667 words a day. And theoretically no cheating. You can't go beyond the end of the month because you have to validate your contribution by uploading it before midnight on the day. You shouldn't start in advance. But some people do. Forward planning is allowed, but actual writing is frowned upon.

Why National, when it's international? Like a lot of things it started in the States and grew.

So. At this stage I have a working title - If Wishes Were Horses - and a start idea. But you know that saying about if you have a start and an end, the middle looks after itself?  I just wish I had an ending - except, there's another saying about being careful what you wish for. You might just get it.

Watch this space.

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